Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

A Kind-Hearted Girl

Anis and I at Dufan
Anis is one of my friends who have a kind heart. First of all, she always help me when I need her help. Another reason, she always lets me to take a rest in her boarding house after we finish our class. A third reason she belongs to a kind-hearted girl is because she usually brings my favorite foods after she visited her home in Tangerang. Afterwards, she lends me money when I forget to bring it. Finally, she takes care of my health, for she always reminds me to avoid spicy food because I can easily get a very delicate stomach when I eat that. For that reasons, I believe that she is a very kind girl.

         : Main Idea
         : Topic
         : Controlling Idea

2 komentar:

  1. Good paragraph, heflin! U stated the topic sentence and concluding sentence clearly that I can see it contains the coherence and unity too. However, u still make mistakes in the use of S&V agreement. For example, Anis- who have, she always 'help'. Mind ur grammar in the next writing, ok. So glad to read this. Excellent:-)

  2. OMG,I miss typed for word 'help', but I actually still confused in the first sentence. I wanna say that I have a lots of kind-hearted friends, then Anis belongs one of them. So, I confused for using Have/Has..
    need your help.
    Thanks a million ^^
