Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

My Memorable Experience

     Going to Jogjakarta alone is the most memorable experience in my life. I went to Jogjakarta in my holiday at 3rd semester by train. On Tuesday morning, 1st of March in 2011, my father saw me off at the station. He accompanied me before the train left. After that, I just sat in my seat alone because my seat-mate came from Indramayu. My seat-mate is a 21 years old man who majored in English at Sanatha Dharma University. We spent our times by sharing our experience in learning English. In the middle of our conversation, sometimes my father interrupted us by his calling. He phoned me every hour for asking me whether I was alright or not. He did that because I never went to a far place alone, so I could understand about his feelings. After I talked with my father in the phone, I apologized to my seat-mate for my father who had interrupted us. He just laughed and said that he had no objection for it, so we could continue our conversation. Because of our pleasant conversation, we didn’t notice that the train had arrived at Tugu Station, so we went our separate ways. Then, I phoned my cousin to pick me up in Tugu Station. She said that she would be there as soon as possible, and she asked me to wait in the main entrance of that station. I got confused and didn’t know where the location of the main entrance was because I never stepped in that station around 8 years. I just followed crowded people to exit that station. I was really confident and believe that I was in the right position until my cousin phoned me and said that she couldn’t find me. She asked me where actually I was. Then, I mentioned the characteristics of buildings that exist around me. Five minutes later, she came to me and said that I had waited in the behind entrance, so she couldn’t find me. I thought that going to Jogjakarta alone is the most memorable experience because I have a new pleasant friend, and I know where the main and behind entrance of Tugu Station are. :)

  : Topic Sentence

  : Topic
  : Controlling Idea
  : Concluding sentence

3 komentar:

  1. i always want to do it, but i'm always doubt about it.hehehe

  2. you have to do it,mi..
    it was such a pleasure for me to do it

  3. It becomes more wonderful if u find good seat mate during ur journey, right. Er, yeah it's obviously understandable why ur dad is so attentive to u. Well Heflin, I do like reading ur writing as I can read it with the flow. Ur writing does contain the coherence and cohesion that make it well-organized. U amazingly develop the TS into supporting sentences. In addition, u enclose more info in each supporting sentence. Ur writing is also nice as u minimize d mistake in grammar and punctuation. Moreover, the words u use are so catchy. Keep writing ya. Awesome!
