Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

My New Year's Eve

              Yesterday is the last day in 2010. Everyone had some plans to spend their times in the last day in 2010. Some of us went to Puncak, went to the beach, or did a small party. And how about me? I didn’t go to Puncak, nor did I go to the beach. I didn’t have a small party too. So, I spent my New Year’s Eve with my beloved friends.
                At 4 P.M., Any, Nilla, and I went to Giant Bekasi. After we had gone sightseeing in that mall, we decided to go to the restaurant. We chose Steak 21 as our place to fill ourselves. After that, we went to the cinema in the fourth floor. Actually, we didn’t want to see the movies any more, but we hadn’t another choice to spend our New Year’s Eve. So, we chose a horror movie to lose our boredom in the New Year’s Eve. Firstly, we thought that the movie which we had chosen, Pocong Rumah Angker, would be so bored, but we were wrong. It was the interesting movie. We could laugh and felt scared when we were watching that movie. In other words, we enjoyed that movie.
                Although I just spent my New Year’s Eve in mall, but I still felt so happy. It is because I spent my time with my beloved friends. So, how about yours?

New Vocabularies
New Year’s Eve : 31 December, especially the evening of that day. (N)
Beloved : loved very much. (Adj.)
Sightseeing : the activity of visiting interesting place. (N)
Decided: to think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and choose one of them. (V)
Fill : to make yourself fell unable to eat any more. (V)
Boredom : the state of felling bored. (N)

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