Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Embarrassing Incident

This morning, me and my friend, Wiwit, experienced an embarrassing incident. We are locked at the toilet on the 2nd floor in my campus. We were alone there, so we feel very panicky. We tried to call our friends. I called Nabila, but she did not answer my calls, nor did Novi and Ari. On the other condition, Wiwit called Ina and asked her to come look for us at the toilet on the 2nd floor, but there was an error communication between them. Ina looked for us on the 2nd floor toilet building which had used to Faculty of Economy, but we were locked in the toilet on 2nd floor, which located in FKIP’s building. So, we just waited for her coming, until we felt desperately. We guessed that we had been disturbed by the Satan in that toilet, so I almost cried at that time. When we were waiting for someone who would help us, Ari suddenly came and opened the door easily. Wiwit and I just didn’t believe that the door could be opened easily. Then Novi also came over to us. She laughed and said that door is different from others doors. When we want to open that door, we had to push the handle upwards. Oh my God! How embarrassed we were, especially when we knew that the incident was known by our friends in the class.

New Vocabularies:
Embarrassing: making you feel shy, awkward, or ashamed. (Adj)
Incident: something that happened, especially something unusual or unpleasant. (N)
Desperately: think that you just have little hope. (Adv)
Guessed: to suppose that something is true. (V)
Push: to use your hands in order to make something moove forward. (V)

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