Senin, 05 Desember 2011


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of the body’s inability to produce insulin which becomes a frightening specter for everyone. According to Antara News, nowadays, 3 million people died, 1 million people have his leg amputated, half a million people do dialysis, and 300 people become blind due to complications from diabetes. Most diabetics (people who have diabetes) think that their lives will end bleakly, but that is a wrong assumption about diabetes because diabetics can have a normal and healthy life again, if the diabetics know much info about the disease, such as the ways to avoid complication because of diabetes, and the ways to avoid insulin dependence; moreover, they also have to know the importance of exercise for diabetics.
Diabetes is not always developed complications. One of the causes of complication in diabetics is because of the lack of intracellular glucose which is a circumstance that indicates the body’s cells have “starved” because they do not get enough sugar intakes. If their cardiac cells do not get enough sugar intakes, complication of a heart attack will occur for diabetic. Then, if their eye cells do no get enough sugar intakes, diabetes may make diabetics blind; in addition, if it occurs in kidney, diabetics have to do dialysis. Moreover, if it occurs in legs cells, diabetes can make diabetics’ legs amputated. Dr. Dante Seksono said that diabetics can avoid the complications of diabetes. For example, diabetics should control their blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hg, LDL levels should be below 100 mg/dl, HDL levels should be above 40 mg/dl, and triglycerides should be below 150 mg/dl. Besides, diabetics should visit ophthalmologist to check their eyes once a year to avoid the blindness. In brief, if diabetics control to their doctor regularly, the complication of diabetes can be prevented.
Diabetics do not have to seek treatments throughout their lives. Treatment for diabetics is not only aimed to lower their blood sugar levels, but also it can save pancreas which produces insulin (a hormone in the body which controls the amount of sugar in the blood) from damage too. Based on the research’s result, insulin therapy can alleviate pancreas’ work in producing insulin, but meditation and insulin are not the only solution in terms of treatments for diabetics because the dependence of medicine and insulin can be avoided by diet. The most important thing to do diet for diabetics is by considering about types of meals, amount of food, and the schedule of their meals. Most people do diet by decrease their eating schedule becomes once a day, whereas that is a wrong idea about diet. Diabetics have to eat three times a day, but they should consider about a balanced diet. Their meals should be rice, fish, vegetables, and fruits; in addition, diabetics should avoid foods which contain saturated fats, such as butter, cream, and meat.  If diabetics do a balanced diet, the writer sure they will release their medicine and insulin dependence.
In addition to have the shining light, diabetics should exercise to relieve their illness. Medical experts agree that exercise has some advantages for diabetics. First of all, exercise can control the amount of sugar in the blood. When diabetics do exercise, they can decrease their weight which can help them to decrease their sugar level, cholesterol, and their blood pressure too. In other word, exercise can avoid heart attack for diabetics. Another reason to do exercise is because exercise can reduce stress which can increase diabetics’ sugar level. Relaxation techniques which can reduce stress, such as breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation are very effective for diabetics. Finally, exercise can help diabetics to reduce the consumption of diabetes drugs because exercise have some advantages for diabetics and can relieve their complication, so the dependence of medicine can be reduced slowly. Diabetics should not do strenuous exercise to reduce their blood sugar level. The most important thing is diabetics have to do exercise regularly, for example, jogging, walking for 30 minutes, swimming, or dancing. By doing all these exercises, medical experts believe that diabetics will have better lives.
Based on the explanation above, despite diabetes can lead to death and difficult to be cured, diabetes can be controlled; therefore, it cannot be too dangerous for diabetics’ life. Diabetics may release their medicine and insulin dependence, if they do a lot of exercise and check their sugar level regularly; moreover, diabetics also have the bright future if they endeavor to make their life better.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

My Memorable Experience

     Going to Jogjakarta alone is the most memorable experience in my life. I went to Jogjakarta in my holiday at 3rd semester by train. On Tuesday morning, 1st of March in 2011, my father saw me off at the station. He accompanied me before the train left. After that, I just sat in my seat alone because my seat-mate came from Indramayu. My seat-mate is a 21 years old man who majored in English at Sanatha Dharma University. We spent our times by sharing our experience in learning English. In the middle of our conversation, sometimes my father interrupted us by his calling. He phoned me every hour for asking me whether I was alright or not. He did that because I never went to a far place alone, so I could understand about his feelings. After I talked with my father in the phone, I apologized to my seat-mate for my father who had interrupted us. He just laughed and said that he had no objection for it, so we could continue our conversation. Because of our pleasant conversation, we didn’t notice that the train had arrived at Tugu Station, so we went our separate ways. Then, I phoned my cousin to pick me up in Tugu Station. She said that she would be there as soon as possible, and she asked me to wait in the main entrance of that station. I got confused and didn’t know where the location of the main entrance was because I never stepped in that station around 8 years. I just followed crowded people to exit that station. I was really confident and believe that I was in the right position until my cousin phoned me and said that she couldn’t find me. She asked me where actually I was. Then, I mentioned the characteristics of buildings that exist around me. Five minutes later, she came to me and said that I had waited in the behind entrance, so she couldn’t find me. I thought that going to Jogjakarta alone is the most memorable experience because I have a new pleasant friend, and I know where the main and behind entrance of Tugu Station are. :)

  : Topic Sentence

  : Topic
  : Controlling Idea
  : Concluding sentence

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

A Kind-Hearted Girl

Anis and I at Dufan
Anis is one of my friends who have a kind heart. First of all, she always help me when I need her help. Another reason, she always lets me to take a rest in her boarding house after we finish our class. A third reason she belongs to a kind-hearted girl is because she usually brings my favorite foods after she visited her home in Tangerang. Afterwards, she lends me money when I forget to bring it. Finally, she takes care of my health, for she always reminds me to avoid spicy food because I can easily get a very delicate stomach when I eat that. For that reasons, I believe that she is a very kind girl.

         : Main Idea
         : Topic
         : Controlling Idea

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Embarrassing Incident

This morning, me and my friend, Wiwit, experienced an embarrassing incident. We are locked at the toilet on the 2nd floor in my campus. We were alone there, so we feel very panicky. We tried to call our friends. I called Nabila, but she did not answer my calls, nor did Novi and Ari. On the other condition, Wiwit called Ina and asked her to come look for us at the toilet on the 2nd floor, but there was an error communication between them. Ina looked for us on the 2nd floor toilet building which had used to Faculty of Economy, but we were locked in the toilet on 2nd floor, which located in FKIP’s building. So, we just waited for her coming, until we felt desperately. We guessed that we had been disturbed by the Satan in that toilet, so I almost cried at that time. When we were waiting for someone who would help us, Ari suddenly came and opened the door easily. Wiwit and I just didn’t believe that the door could be opened easily. Then Novi also came over to us. She laughed and said that door is different from others doors. When we want to open that door, we had to push the handle upwards. Oh my God! How embarrassed we were, especially when we knew that the incident was known by our friends in the class.

New Vocabularies:
Embarrassing: making you feel shy, awkward, or ashamed. (Adj)
Incident: something that happened, especially something unusual or unpleasant. (N)
Desperately: think that you just have little hope. (Adv)
Guessed: to suppose that something is true. (V)
Push: to use your hands in order to make something moove forward. (V)

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

The Secret

   The secret is one of the best seller books which were written by Rhonda Byrne. This book told us about the big secrets in our life.
                The first secret is about the secret of money. The writer of this book said that you had to think and focus on the riches to make money come in your life. You need to imagine that you had had a lot of money. It would open the chance to make you richer.
                The second secret is about the secret of our health. We can get sick when we are stress. And the fact is all of our stress was started from our negative thinking. The writer believed that love and thanksgiving could dissolve our problems, so we could dissolve our disease too if we had love.
                The third secret is the secret of the world. We can change this world by our mind, because everything in this world was started from one mind. When we want to change this world, we had to think about it every time. And with our confidence, it will successful to change the world.
                Everything in our life is come from our mind. So, when you want success in this life, you just need positive thinking about everything that you have.

New Vocabularies:
Focus: to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation, or person rather than another. (V)
Riches: large amounts of money. (N)
Stress: pressure of worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life. (N)
Dissolve: to make something disappear. (V)
Mind: your thoughts, interests, etc. (N)

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Love and Life

               Love is a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody. Life is the period between somebody’s birth and their death. Everybody who lives always have love. Maybe it is a love for our family, our friends, or our teachers. I believe that love can make our life more beautiful.
                Our life will be more beautiful when we can love each other. Maybe it is a simple word, but I think it is not a simple thing. The fact is many of people think that it is a difficult thing to love each other. Why it was so difficult to love the other people? I think it was because of our jealously. When we eyed the other people jealously, we would only try to find their mistakes and their feebleness. We are loath to look their superiority. We forgot that nobody perfect. If we can love each other truly, we will be loved by them truly too.
                Our life will be empty without love. If we haven’t loved to share, we will not go through our life nicely. We will have a wonderful life when we have someone to share our love. We will try to be the best if we have the person who we love. It was because we want to prove ourselves that we are decent to be loved by them.
                So, try to love yourself and everyone in your life. It will make your life more beautiful and zestful.

New Vocabularies
Jealously ; a feeling of being jealous. (N)
Feebleness ; the noun word from ‘feeble’. Feeble is very weak.
Loath ; not willing to do something. (Adj.)
Superiority; the state or quantity of being better and more powerful than others. (N)
Prove ; to show other people how good you are at doing something. (V)
Decent ; of a good enough standard or quantity. (Adj.)