Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

The Secret

   The secret is one of the best seller books which were written by Rhonda Byrne. This book told us about the big secrets in our life.
                The first secret is about the secret of money. The writer of this book said that you had to think and focus on the riches to make money come in your life. You need to imagine that you had had a lot of money. It would open the chance to make you richer.
                The second secret is about the secret of our health. We can get sick when we are stress. And the fact is all of our stress was started from our negative thinking. The writer believed that love and thanksgiving could dissolve our problems, so we could dissolve our disease too if we had love.
                The third secret is the secret of the world. We can change this world by our mind, because everything in this world was started from one mind. When we want to change this world, we had to think about it every time. And with our confidence, it will successful to change the world.
                Everything in our life is come from our mind. So, when you want success in this life, you just need positive thinking about everything that you have.

New Vocabularies:
Focus: to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation, or person rather than another. (V)
Riches: large amounts of money. (N)
Stress: pressure of worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life. (N)
Dissolve: to make something disappear. (V)
Mind: your thoughts, interests, etc. (N)

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Love and Life

               Love is a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody. Life is the period between somebody’s birth and their death. Everybody who lives always have love. Maybe it is a love for our family, our friends, or our teachers. I believe that love can make our life more beautiful.
                Our life will be more beautiful when we can love each other. Maybe it is a simple word, but I think it is not a simple thing. The fact is many of people think that it is a difficult thing to love each other. Why it was so difficult to love the other people? I think it was because of our jealously. When we eyed the other people jealously, we would only try to find their mistakes and their feebleness. We are loath to look their superiority. We forgot that nobody perfect. If we can love each other truly, we will be loved by them truly too.
                Our life will be empty without love. If we haven’t loved to share, we will not go through our life nicely. We will have a wonderful life when we have someone to share our love. We will try to be the best if we have the person who we love. It was because we want to prove ourselves that we are decent to be loved by them.
                So, try to love yourself and everyone in your life. It will make your life more beautiful and zestful.

New Vocabularies
Jealously ; a feeling of being jealous. (N)
Feebleness ; the noun word from ‘feeble’. Feeble is very weak.
Loath ; not willing to do something. (Adj.)
Superiority; the state or quantity of being better and more powerful than others. (N)
Prove ; to show other people how good you are at doing something. (V)
Decent ; of a good enough standard or quantity. (Adj.)

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

My Favorite Songs

                Listen a song can make us feel better. It can make us have a new spirit, can make us remember about our memories, and can make us more relaxed. Today, I will tell you about my favorite songs.
                I love one of the Avenged Sevenfold’s song was titled Dear God. It told us about the repentance of a man who had lost his soul mate. He asked God to hold her soul mate when he wasn’t around her. He apologized for his mistake because he left her. He wished she came back to him again.
                I love Imagine by John Lenon too. Avril Lavigne had arranged this song in 2004. Actually I heard this song for the first time in Avril’s version. I loved the meaning of this song. This song hoped us to live in peace. The writer of this song asked us to imagine about the peaceful life when we care each other. John hoped we will make this world more beautiful and peaceful.
                Flying without Wings from Westlife is one of my favorite songs. This song told us about the magic of love. Love from our beloved friends, soul mate, or family can bring a joy for us. It make us can fly although we haven’t wings.
                The other song that I love is What I Want Is What I Got from Westlife too. This song makes me found a new spirit to reach my dreams. The best lyric from this song is ‘life is too short to hold back, I won’t live in the past’. I think it’s true. I won’t live in the past. I won’t repent my failed life. I won’t sink away with my past.
                Songs make our life more wonderful. We could learn from the songs that we had already listened.

New Vocabularies
Repentance: the fact of showing that you are sorry for something wrong that you have done. (N)
Apologize: to say that you are sorry for doing something wrong. (V)
Imagine: to form a picture in your mind of what something might be like. (V)
Sink: to prevent somebody or somebody’s plans from succeeding. (V)
Failed: not successful. (Adj.)

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

My Little Brother

                I have two brothers. They are Bayu and Vivran. Bayu is my older brother, and Vivran is my younger brother. Today, I want to tell you about my little brother, Vivran.
                His full name is Vivran Triana. He was born in Jakarta on May 28th, 1994. He has dark skin and slanted eyes. His friends said that he always laugh with closed eyes. He is so tall for me although he is my younger brother. He is around 180 cm, and I’m just almost 165 cm. So, when we are walking together, some peoples guess that he is my older brother. Wow, so pity I am.
                Sometimes, I think Vivran is a spoilt boy. If he wants something, he must get it. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he can be quite angry. But, he is a volatile person too. So, his anger isn’t been for a long time. I try to understand about it. I think he spoils because he is the youngest children.
                He is a bit happy go lucky and doesn’t think about the future. He just let his life flow. He always says that this life was so difficult and hard, so he didn’t want to make it more difficult.
                He is always in a playful mood. He likes to gather with his friends. He loves football so much, so he always invites his friends to play football together. He plays it almost every day. Sometimes he hires a football field to play it with his friends.
                He is my lovely brother. I really love him although he is spoilt. And I hope he will be a good football player. Amin.

New Vocabularies:
Spoilt : rude and badly behaved because they are given everything they ask for and not enough discipline. (Adj.)
Volatile : quickly changing moods. (Adj.)
Happy go lucky : not worrying about what might happen in the future. (Adj.)
Playful : full of fun. (Adj.)
Hire : to pay money to borrow something for a short time. (V)

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

My New Year's Eve

              Yesterday is the last day in 2010. Everyone had some plans to spend their times in the last day in 2010. Some of us went to Puncak, went to the beach, or did a small party. And how about me? I didn’t go to Puncak, nor did I go to the beach. I didn’t have a small party too. So, I spent my New Year’s Eve with my beloved friends.
                At 4 P.M., Any, Nilla, and I went to Giant Bekasi. After we had gone sightseeing in that mall, we decided to go to the restaurant. We chose Steak 21 as our place to fill ourselves. After that, we went to the cinema in the fourth floor. Actually, we didn’t want to see the movies any more, but we hadn’t another choice to spend our New Year’s Eve. So, we chose a horror movie to lose our boredom in the New Year’s Eve. Firstly, we thought that the movie which we had chosen, Pocong Rumah Angker, would be so bored, but we were wrong. It was the interesting movie. We could laugh and felt scared when we were watching that movie. In other words, we enjoyed that movie.
                Although I just spent my New Year’s Eve in mall, but I still felt so happy. It is because I spent my time with my beloved friends. So, how about yours?

New Vocabularies
New Year’s Eve : 31 December, especially the evening of that day. (N)
Beloved : loved very much. (Adj.)
Sightseeing : the activity of visiting interesting place. (N)
Decided: to think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and choose one of them. (V)
Fill : to make yourself fell unable to eat any more. (V)
Boredom : the state of felling bored. (N)