Jumat, 12 November 2010

Ari's Birthday

               Today, I’m going to tell you about my friend’s birthday. Her name is Ari. She was my classmate. Her birthday was on 12th of November.
                Anis, Nabil, and I had a plan to anger with her. We were not invite her to speak out and gather with us. Because she couldn’t endure with our attitude, so she cried and told Wiwiet that she was sad. I saw when she was crying, but I didn’t care.
 After we had finished our Advanced English Structure Class, we had a leisure time around two hours. So, we used that time to prepare a surprise to Ari. We decided that Anis and I would buy something in Cijantung.  When we were going to Cijantung, Nabil phoned me and said that she had been success to make Ari cried again at Dapur Bunda. Wow, it was a good job!
After we prepared a surprise for Ari, we came back to Uhamka to present in Introduction Linguistic Class. And of course, we still didn’t be on speaking terms with Ari. We had a plan to end all of this when we had finished our class. But, it turned out when Ari ran out from the class after Mr. Hakiki had finished the lesson. And of course, it was surprised us. Anis and I hurried into her rent house. Then we prepared the cake which we bought and lighted the candles. After that, I phoned Nabil and asked her to invite Ari to the rent house. Then, Ari came to the rent house with Wiwit, Nabil, Dwi, Eci, and Novi.
Ari really surprised when we brought a cake and sing a song to her. And she cried again. But, it was happy tears. She told that it was her beautiful day, because we remembered and celebrated her birthday together.
It was her beautiful day. Although we had made her cried, but she was happy with our surprise.

New Vocabularies
Classmate  : a person who is or was in the same class at school or college. (N)
Endure       : to exist for a long time. (V)
Prepare      : to make something to be used. (V)
Be on speaking terms  : to be polite or friendly towards somebody. (IDM)
Plan         : something that you intend to do. (N)

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