Jumat, 26 November 2010

Takashi Kashiwabara

                Takashi Kashiwabara is a handsome actor from Japan. He was born in Yamanashi on March 16th, 1997. I knew him when he played in Ittazura Na Kiss drama. And he has been being my favorite actor since my first sight of him.
                He is the ideal man for me. He is tall, has bright skin, and pointed nose. I can say that he is so cute. His way to look somebody up can make us went into rapture. His smile can make us fly to the moon. In other words, he is so perfect for me.
                His acting is so natural. He can play his characters perfectly. He perfectly played as Irrie Naoki in Ittazura Na Kiss. Naoki is a calm and brainy boy. In the others drama, his acting is still adorable although he played as an antagonist man.
                Of course with all of his perfection, he can make me adore him. I hope one day, I can meet someone like him.

New Vocabularies
Look somebody up : to make contact with somebody.  (PHR V)
Went into rapture : to feel or express extreme pleasure for somebody. (IDM)
Brainy : very intelligent. (Adj.)
Adorable : very attractive and easy to feel love for. (Adj.)
Perfection  : to state of being perfect. (N)

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Troy Movie Review

                Troy is one of my favorite movies. This movie told about Trojan War, which was begun when Helen (Diane Kruger), who was a queen from King of Sparta, was kidnapped by Paris (Orlando Bloom), who was a Trojan Prince. In the fact, Helen and Paris was a love bird, so Paris asked Helen to live in Troya and she would be his wife.
                Menelaus really anger when he knew his wife joined Paris to go to Troya. So, he asked Agamemnon who was King of Mycenaean to attack the Troya Kingdom. Agamemnon agreed to do it, because he had the intention to expand his power and to subject Troya Kingdom. So, he asked his troops to attack Troya kingdom. This troop was led by Achilles (Brad Pitt). Achilles was a brave fighter. He was respected by the others fighters. But, his king didn’t like him, because Achilles joined to this war in order to note down his name in history. In this war, brother of Achilles joined to attack Troya Kingdom.
                Finally, Achilles and his troops arrived in Troya. They attacked Troya Kingdom and used Briseis as their hostage. Briseis was a King Priam’s daughter. In their first attacked, they succeed to make the fortress in Troya seashore too.
                The next day, the war was continued again. Paris tried to end this war by invited Menelaus to fight one by one. But, Paris was a bad fighter. He almost was killed by Menelaus. I believe that he would be killed if Hector didn’t hep him. Prince Hector (Eric Bana) was the best solder that Troya ever had. He succeeded to kill Menelaus. Of course, it made bigger war than before. Trojans, who was led by Prince Hector, won in this war.
                The success of last war made Trojans had bigger spirit to expulsion their enemy from Troya. They attacked their enemies in the dawn. It made Spartan and Mycenaean panic and almost defeated. Suddenly Achilles came and fought with Hector. Achilles used the mask when he fought with Hector. Finally Hector could kill Achilles. But, actually the man who mask was Achilles’s younger brother. It was surprised Hector, because he thought that the man who wore the mask was Achilles.
                Achilles, who had known that Hector had killed his younger brother, came to Hector and asked him to fight one by one. Actually Hector had known that Achilles was stronger than himself. But, Hector was not a coward. Finally, Achilles killed Hector.
                King Priam really sad when he knew Hector was killed. So, he asked Achilles to end this war as long as 12 days. Achilles agreed it.
                In those silent days, Agamemnon had an idea to enter the fortress of Troya Kingdom. He and his troops made a big wooden horse. Tens of Spartan hid among in that wooden horse. They would open the way to the others Spartan to enter the fortress of Troya.
                The Spartan tactic’s was success. King Priam thought that the wooden horse was the peace present from Spartan. Then that wooden horse was brought into the fortress of Troya. In the middle of night, the Spartans went out from wooden horse. Then they opened the fortress gates of Troya. So, other Spartans could enter and attacked Troya. Most of Trojan was killed by Spartan. Women and children ran away by the secret way. But, Briseis who felt in love with her enemy didn’t want to leave Troya. She looked out for Achilles. She almost was killed by Agamemnon, but Achilles saved her. When Achilles was expressing his feeling to Briseis, Paris came and killed Achilles.
                It was the end of this movie. Troy was the best movie that I ever seen. It told us about love, loyalty, and braveness. So, I really like this movie.

New Vocabularies:
Love bird : two people who love each other very much. (N)
Troops : soldiers, especially in large group. (N)
Expulsion : the act of forcing somebody to leave a place. (N)
Dawn : the time of day when light first appears. (N)
Coward : a person who is not brave. (N)
Fortress : a building or a place that has been strengthened and protected against attack. (N)

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Ari's Birthday

               Today, I’m going to tell you about my friend’s birthday. Her name is Ari. She was my classmate. Her birthday was on 12th of November.
                Anis, Nabil, and I had a plan to anger with her. We were not invite her to speak out and gather with us. Because she couldn’t endure with our attitude, so she cried and told Wiwiet that she was sad. I saw when she was crying, but I didn’t care.
 After we had finished our Advanced English Structure Class, we had a leisure time around two hours. So, we used that time to prepare a surprise to Ari. We decided that Anis and I would buy something in Cijantung.  When we were going to Cijantung, Nabil phoned me and said that she had been success to make Ari cried again at Dapur Bunda. Wow, it was a good job!
After we prepared a surprise for Ari, we came back to Uhamka to present in Introduction Linguistic Class. And of course, we still didn’t be on speaking terms with Ari. We had a plan to end all of this when we had finished our class. But, it turned out when Ari ran out from the class after Mr. Hakiki had finished the lesson. And of course, it was surprised us. Anis and I hurried into her rent house. Then we prepared the cake which we bought and lighted the candles. After that, I phoned Nabil and asked her to invite Ari to the rent house. Then, Ari came to the rent house with Wiwit, Nabil, Dwi, Eci, and Novi.
Ari really surprised when we brought a cake and sing a song to her. And she cried again. But, it was happy tears. She told that it was her beautiful day, because we remembered and celebrated her birthday together.
It was her beautiful day. Although we had made her cried, but she was happy with our surprise.

New Vocabularies
Classmate  : a person who is or was in the same class at school or college. (N)
Endure       : to exist for a long time. (V)
Prepare      : to make something to be used. (V)
Be on speaking terms  : to be polite or friendly towards somebody. (IDM)
Plan         : something that you intend to do. (N)

Sabtu, 06 November 2010


These days, it’s very helpful when we have the language skill. We should be able to speak more than one language. So, there are many course which be erected to improve our skill, especially our skill in English. But, the problem is why English Language still be the biggest nightmare for us although we have been learning it for 11 years. 
Why many students said that English is a difficult thing? They are said it because they are afraid to do wrong. Our frighteners make us be hampered to be success. Because, when we afraid to do wrong, it can make us be lazy to write, to speak, and to read. The fact is, we are students who are still in process to improve our skill. That’s way we are in English major class.
           English isn’t our national languages. So, don’t be afraid to do something wrong when you are learning it. Don’t make English as a nightmare

New Vocabularies
Able            : have the skill, intelligence, opportunity, etc. to do something.(Adjective)
Erected       : to build something. (V)
Frighteners : to threaten somebody in order to make them do what you want.(N)
Hampered  : to prevent somebody from easily doing or achieving something. (V)
Nightmare  : an experience that is very frightening or very difficult to deal with. (N)