Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

My Unforgettable Moment

Today, I’ll try to tell you about my unforgettable moment. It was Thursday, 9th of July, 2009. I went to UIJ on Utan Kayu to take an UNJ matriculation. It was my first time went to UIJ. I didn’t know about that university before I came to take an UNJ matriculation. I was so scared. My cousin took me to UIJ, but he had to leave me because he would go to his factory. So, I had to go home alone.
When I had finished my matriculation, my father phoned me. It’s around 1 P.M. He said that I should get on Kopaja 46 from Utan Kayu until Pulo Gadung, because he couldn’t pick me up.
OMG, I was so confused. I lost all of sense of direction. I didn’t know which way to go. I understood what my father had talked, but I didn’t know whether I was stayed in the right direction or not. So, I decided to ask someone. Then, I asked a boy who walked beside me about it.
I tried to call him and ask whether I was stayed in the right direction to Pulo Gadung or not. Then he said that he didn’t know about it. OMG, he is a boy. Why he didn’t know about Pulo Gadung? It was so curious that he didn’t know about a famous bus station like Pulo Gadung. I took a deep breath, desperately tried to say thank you for him. When I saw his face, I realized that he was a handsome boy. He is tall and has wavy hair. He is very good looking and I think he has a good personality.
Then we walked together to the bus stop. He said that he moved from Bangka. That day was the sixth day he lived in Jakarta. And, finally I understood why he didn’t know anything about Jakarta.
Then, I asked about his direction. He said he would go to Rawamangun. He asked me whether Rawamangun and Pulo Gadung had the same direction. Then I said yes.
When we were talking about, Kopaja 46 came. So, we got on soon. I got on by first doors whereas he got on by second doors. So, we sat on the different seat. I honestly hope he sat beside me. And suddenly he stood from his seat then sat beside me. I was startled by his decision to sit beside me, but I just smiled. Then we continued our conversation.
We talked about where he came from, why he moved to Jakarta and anything else. And I think that time went quickly. We had arrived on Rawamangun. So, he had to get off. Before he got off, he said that I had to be carefully. And he asked bus conductor to take care me.
OMG, it was a beautiful moment. He was a kind person. But, I didn’t know his name and his phone number. Although we spent our times in the bus with talked, but we forgot one thing. We didn’t introduce ourselves. But, I hope he still remembers me and one day we can be met again. Amin.

New vocabularies
Matriculation   : an officially process to be a student at the university. (N)
Factory             : a building where goods are made. (N)
Direction           : the general position a person or thing moves or points toward. (N)
Honestly           : emphasized that what you are saying is true. (Adv.)
Curious             : strange and unusual. (Adj.)
Startle               : to surprise see suddenly in a way. (V)

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