Senin, 05 Desember 2011


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of the body’s inability to produce insulin which becomes a frightening specter for everyone. According to Antara News, nowadays, 3 million people died, 1 million people have his leg amputated, half a million people do dialysis, and 300 people become blind due to complications from diabetes. Most diabetics (people who have diabetes) think that their lives will end bleakly, but that is a wrong assumption about diabetes because diabetics can have a normal and healthy life again, if the diabetics know much info about the disease, such as the ways to avoid complication because of diabetes, and the ways to avoid insulin dependence; moreover, they also have to know the importance of exercise for diabetics.
Diabetes is not always developed complications. One of the causes of complication in diabetics is because of the lack of intracellular glucose which is a circumstance that indicates the body’s cells have “starved” because they do not get enough sugar intakes. If their cardiac cells do not get enough sugar intakes, complication of a heart attack will occur for diabetic. Then, if their eye cells do no get enough sugar intakes, diabetes may make diabetics blind; in addition, if it occurs in kidney, diabetics have to do dialysis. Moreover, if it occurs in legs cells, diabetes can make diabetics’ legs amputated. Dr. Dante Seksono said that diabetics can avoid the complications of diabetes. For example, diabetics should control their blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hg, LDL levels should be below 100 mg/dl, HDL levels should be above 40 mg/dl, and triglycerides should be below 150 mg/dl. Besides, diabetics should visit ophthalmologist to check their eyes once a year to avoid the blindness. In brief, if diabetics control to their doctor regularly, the complication of diabetes can be prevented.
Diabetics do not have to seek treatments throughout their lives. Treatment for diabetics is not only aimed to lower their blood sugar levels, but also it can save pancreas which produces insulin (a hormone in the body which controls the amount of sugar in the blood) from damage too. Based on the research’s result, insulin therapy can alleviate pancreas’ work in producing insulin, but meditation and insulin are not the only solution in terms of treatments for diabetics because the dependence of medicine and insulin can be avoided by diet. The most important thing to do diet for diabetics is by considering about types of meals, amount of food, and the schedule of their meals. Most people do diet by decrease their eating schedule becomes once a day, whereas that is a wrong idea about diet. Diabetics have to eat three times a day, but they should consider about a balanced diet. Their meals should be rice, fish, vegetables, and fruits; in addition, diabetics should avoid foods which contain saturated fats, such as butter, cream, and meat.  If diabetics do a balanced diet, the writer sure they will release their medicine and insulin dependence.
In addition to have the shining light, diabetics should exercise to relieve their illness. Medical experts agree that exercise has some advantages for diabetics. First of all, exercise can control the amount of sugar in the blood. When diabetics do exercise, they can decrease their weight which can help them to decrease their sugar level, cholesterol, and their blood pressure too. In other word, exercise can avoid heart attack for diabetics. Another reason to do exercise is because exercise can reduce stress which can increase diabetics’ sugar level. Relaxation techniques which can reduce stress, such as breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation are very effective for diabetics. Finally, exercise can help diabetics to reduce the consumption of diabetes drugs because exercise have some advantages for diabetics and can relieve their complication, so the dependence of medicine can be reduced slowly. Diabetics should not do strenuous exercise to reduce their blood sugar level. The most important thing is diabetics have to do exercise regularly, for example, jogging, walking for 30 minutes, swimming, or dancing. By doing all these exercises, medical experts believe that diabetics will have better lives.
Based on the explanation above, despite diabetes can lead to death and difficult to be cured, diabetes can be controlled; therefore, it cannot be too dangerous for diabetics’ life. Diabetics may release their medicine and insulin dependence, if they do a lot of exercise and check their sugar level regularly; moreover, diabetics also have the bright future if they endeavor to make their life better.